Security Training

Enhance the security of your organization and your development programs and make security part of your culture. Training services range from security awareness training for front-line employees, to secure coding practices for your developers, to ethical hacking training for your internal penetration testing teams.

Security Awareness Training

Equip your employees with targeted training on cybersecurity risks and best practices, including phishing attacks, social engineering, password hygiene, data protection, and incident reporting. Training includes recurring simulations, such as phishing emails to evaluate training effectiveness. Mitigate risks and make your employees your first line of defense against cyber threats.

Secure Development Training

Equip your developers and software teams with the knowledge and skills needed to develop secure code and applications. Your team will learn about secure coding practices, common vulnerabilities, threat modeling, and secure development frameworks. Foster a security-focused mindset through the development process and make your code more secure.

Technical Security Training

Get specialized training to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of your security teams. Topics include the latest tools and techniques, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, secure coding, incident response, and digital forensics. Strengthen your organization’s security by learning to identify and address security weaknesses.

Compliance and Regulatory Training

Our training sessions help your team understand and adhere to relevant industry regulations, standards, and compliance requirements such as data privacy, HIPAA, GDPR, FISMA, and other applicable regulations. Mitigate legal and compliance risks and foster a culture of compliance in your organization.

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Training

Learn the methodologies and techniques used in ethical hacking and penetration testing, including reconnaissance, vulnerability scanning, exploit development, and post-exploitation techniques. Strengthen your organization’s security by learning to identify and address security weaknesses in your systems and network.

Tangible Benefits

  • Make your employees the first line of defense against cyber threats
  • Foster a security-focused mindset among your development teams and make your code more secure
  • Mitigate legal and compliance risks and foster a culture of compliance in your organization

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