Partner Program

Referral and Partner Program

Cybersecurity has never been more integral to business operations. Assessing the resilience and maturity of security processes and systems by penetration testing, security program assessments, and Fractional CISO/CIO consulting has become one of the best methods to ensure a company’s defenses can monitor, control, and eventually manage breaches, as well as minimize their impact on the organization.

Whether spurred by government regulation, customer demands, insurance requirements, or just a desire to increase cybersecurity in a challenging environment, clients are seeking a reputable partner to evaluate their defenses and their environment.

Many of our resellers use both the partner and referral program options, depending on the client relationship or additional services being provided, with care to avoid conflicts of interest. We can also offer a hybrid model where the branding is put forth as the partner, but the client is aware of Tangible Security and our role in the exercise.

Referral Program

Your clients already trust you to advise them in certain matters and offering them proactive cybersecurity protection services can help solidify your relationship as a trusted adviser and separate you from your competitors.

If you have potential clients for cybersecurity services, Tangible Security’s Referral Program is a perfect solution. We pay a lucrative referral fee for cybersecurity services performed for your client, such as penetration testing, security program assessments, and Fractional CISO/CIO consulting, upon completion of a contract.

Partner Program

Tangible Security Partner Program enables you to deliver our expert cybersecurity services under your own brand name. We are a turn-key solution to branch into the cybersecurity market without the need to hire staff or gain the extensive expertise required to operate in this space.

We provide cybersecurity services to your client, such as penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, either individually or bundled with other services you provide, and all reports and customer interactions are handled under your brand.

Contact Chris Gagnon, Chief Revenue Officer, for more information on becoming a partner today: / 678.523.7835.

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