Human Cyber Risk Services

In the digitally transformed workplace, human resources are both an organization’s greatest asset and its most vulnerable point of entry for cyber threats. According to 2023 research, 74 percent of data breaches occur due to a human error. In response, organizations are investing in employee training, but recent research suggests that traditional security awareness programs and basic phish testing are not enough to thwart cyberattacks that are growing in complexity and frequency. So, it is imperative for organizations to fortify their security posture by addressing human cyber risk beyond traditional approaches. Our human cyber risk services are designed to bolster your organization’s security awareness program, ensuring that your employees are not just the first line of defense but also a vigilant shield against cyber threats.

Human Cyber Risk Program Assessment

Our expert team will perform a comprehensive assessment of your organization’s security awareness program against industry best practices. Additionally, we conduct in-depth interviews with key stakeholders to understand how your organizational culture impacts security effectiveness. If desired, we conduct a social engineering exercise that simulates a real attack to gauge program effectiveness. We then deliver a comprehensive assessment report of your program that identifies strengths, weaknesses and a set of suggested steps for improvement.

Managed Human Cyber Risk Services

Our managed human cyber risk services package empowers your organization with a robust set of tools and practices to elevate security awareness and enhance your employees’ ability to recognize and thwart phishing attacks.

Policy and Controls Review

We provision you with a security awareness platform using industry-leading solutions.

Security Awareness Training

We provide an array of training options, including security awareness, remediation, and role-specific functions.

Employee Security Testing

We offer multiple testing options, including for spam filter evasion, automated phishing, and customized phishing campaigns.

Monitoring and Reporting

We provide continuous measurement and monitoring of progress and performance, along with reporting monthly.

Tangible Benefits

  • Discover and remediate weaknesses in the human element of security in your organization
  • Equip your employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to thwart social engineering attacks
  • Build a culture of security in your organization

Specialized Social Engineering Services

In addition to awareness services focused on phishing, we can provide other awareness services that offer campaigns tailored to specialized forms of social engineering attacks. These include:

  • Smishing, short for SMS phishing which uses text messages to compromise security
  • Vishing, short for voice phishing, where criminals use live phone calls for tactics such as pretexting
  • In-person social engineering, such as visiting an office an impersonating someone
  • Social media abuse, such as impersonation or spreading malware

Custom Reporting

Our custom reporting service is designed to meet your unique requirements. We create tailored reports that provide your organization with the precise information needed for informed decision-making. We collaborate closely with your team to understand your specific reporting needs, and develop custom reports, which can range from metrics tracking to incident response analytics.

Tangible Results

  • Social engineering attacks recognized and defeated
  • Areas for improving security culture, policies, and procedures identified and remediated
  • Your employees become a security strength

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